Study Resources
Each student will be provided with full course material, access to our online classroom, lectures and access to a tutor with 30 years of experience in pig farming and agricultural training.
Course Schedule/layout/format:
Students will receive study materials in the form of readings, vocabulary quizzes, videos etc.
A lecture recording will cover the topic and
Student's understanding will be assessed through assignments.
Certificates will be issued upon successful completion of the course
This course is aimed at experienced as well as aspiring small stock farmers, covering both sheep and goats.
Both production systems on grazing/browsing and zero grazing will be covered. When you intensively feed small stock you then also have to intensively breed to make it economically viable.
Price for the full course:
USD 295.00
Price per module:
USD 85.00 (x 4 modules)
Topic 1: Reproduction and Breeding
Week 1 Reproduction:
Info about class organization
Male & Female Reproductive System
Week 2 Reproduction:
The effect of hormones on reproduction
Manipulating them for oestrus synchronization, AI and egg transplantation
Week 3 Reproduction:
Heat spotting and management aids
Pregnancy Scanning
Week 4 Breeding:
Common breeds used in commercial production
Cross breeding and hybrid vigour
Week 5 Breeding:
Extensive farming with the seasons
Intensive breeding for intensive feeding situations
Week 6 Breeding:
Selection and culling of breeding stock
Physical evaluation
Week 7 Breeding:
Genotype vs Phenotype
Heritability of most important production traits
Topic 2: Welfare, Health, Handling & Diseases
Week 8 Welfare, Health, Handling & Diseases:
The 5 duties of care in Animal Welfare
Temperature management strategies
Stocking rates in grazing/browsing situation
Using stocking rates to control invasive species/weeds
Week 9 Welfare, Health, Handling & Diseases:
Space requirements in the feedlots/zero grazing situations
Through space
Design principles of intensive stocking facilities
Week 10 Health & Diseases:
Internal parasite control
Resistance to oral drenches
Biological control methods
Signs & symptoms, prevention & control
New technologies
Week 11 Health & Diseases:
External parasite control
“Blocking” and natural immunity building
Signs, symptoms, Post mortem and what to look for
Week 12 Health & Diseases:
Vaccinations & Immunity theory
Zoonotic diseases affecting reproduction Health & Diseases:
Notifiable diseases
Common routinely vaccinated for diseases
Week 13 Health & Diseases:
Metabolic disorders
Poison plants
Week 14 Handling & Stockmanship:
Routine husbandry procedures
Week 15 Handling & Stockmanship:
Herd dynamics
Low stress handling & moving of livestock
Topic 3: Nutrition, Digestion, Feeds & Feeding
Week 16 Digestion:
The Ruminant Digestive System
Why does RUMINANTS have 4 stomachs?
Organs and functions
Week 17 Nutrition & Digestion:
What nutrients does the body need?
What does each nutrient do in the body?
Where and how is each nutrient digested?
Week 18 Nutrition & Digestion:
Energy Digestion
Energy requirements of different classes of smalls stock
Week 19 Nutrition & Digestion:
Protein Digestion
Protein requirements of different classes of small stock
Supplementing protein (When, How and pitfalls)
Week 20 Feeds and their nutritional value:
Nutritional values of some grasses and trees/bushes
Feed ingredients for supplementation or zero grazing systems
Week 21 Feeding Systems:
Basic Ration Balancing
Topic 4: Managing the breeding flock and marketing offspring
Week 22 Managing the breeding flock during critical periods:
Mating and early/mid gestation:
Deciding when to lamb/kid
Natural mating season length variance between breeds
Preparation of rams/bucks for mating season
Fertility & STD check ups
Use of “Teasers”
Use of harnesses with crayon markers
Week 23 Mating and early/mid gestation:
Preparation of females pre-mating
Condition scoring and flushing of female flock
Last trimester and lactation:
Nutritional needs for:
Last trimester of gestation
Lactation Last trimester and lactation:
3 Lambing/kidding in 2 years
Supplements for dry season/droughts
Week 24 Getting the offspring market ready for top sale prices:
Getting a good birth weight
Getting maximum milk from mothers AND solid feed ASAP
Creep feeding (while still suckling on mothers)
Weaning age and growth rate targets
Supplying what the top end of the market wants for premium prices